What Our Clients Say

More Client Testimonials

“My main take away was everyone needs different amounts of time and advice I can give is that the hard things in life are what make it interesting if you look back and see your accomplishments”

“Even showing up here is progress so be kind to yourself during treatment because you all have something to be proud of.”

Parent Testimonials

“The experience at MCAW PHP has been amazing: – The admission process was smooth and organized. – my child was welcomed right away and loves coming every day: she loves the therapy sessions and the support she gets in groups. She made friends and feels very supported with the other teens who have shown a lot of compassion. – Our weekly family meetings have been very informative and to the point. – Chris, Lindsey and Briana always got back to me in a timely fashion and were very proactive during my daughter’s therapy. GREAT experience where I have seen a huge growth in my daughter and a program I would definitely recommend to any family struggling with anxiety and OCD.”

Patient Testimonials

“My take away is that the only right way to learn is by failing. Before I came here, I was in a hard place… I learned with all the struggle now is the time to make it better. My advice to everyone is don’t’ let failure stop you or ruin your mood. Just remember things will get better.”

“The staff were awesome. I liked all the groups. The kids here were so helpful with advice and helped me when I was having tough times.”